Juice – Apple Pectin


Pectin, a type of fiber in the cell walls of plants, helps give plants their
Apple pectin is extracted from apples, which are some of the richest
sources of fiber. Roughly 15–20% of the pulp of this fruit is made of pectin.
Apple pectin is linked to several emerging health benefits, including lower
cholesterol and improved blood sugar control.

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May promote gut health
1. Apple pectin is a prebiotic, promoting gut health by feeding the
beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract.

2. May aid weight loss
Pectin may help you feel full for longer, which could aid weight loss.
However, results are mixed, and further studies are necessary.

3. May control blood sugar
Apple pectin may aid blood sugar control, but more studies are needed.

4. May aid heart health
Apple pectin may reduce risk factors for heart disease, including blood
pressure and total and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

5. May relieve diarrhea and
Apple pectin is a gel-forming fiber that easily absorbs water, helping relieve
both constipation and diarrhea.

6. May enhance iron absorption
Apple pectin may improve iron absorption, but results are mixed. Thus,
more studies are necessary.

7. May improve acid reflux
Apple pectin may improve acid reflux, but further research is necessary.

8. May strengthen hair and skin
Many people believe that apple pectin boosts hair and skin health, but
studies don’t currently back this claim.

9. Easy to add to your diet
It’s simple to add apple pectin to your diet as a supplement, though whole
apples — particularly the Granny Smith variety — also offer high amounts.

The bottom line
Apple pectin is a type of soluble fiber with several potential health benefits.
It may improve cholesterol, blood pressure, gut health, and bowel stability,
though results are mixed and more research is necessary.
You can consume it as a supplement, via jams and jellies, or by eating
whole apples with the skin to get the max amount of pectin.

Additional information


2liters, 1liters, 500ml, 250ml

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