What Are the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?
It may help with weight loss.
It may lower blood sugar.
It may lower cholesterol.
What Are Other Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar?
Lower blood pressure.
Ease acid reflux.
Provide eczema relief.
Kill germs.
Improve hair health.
How Do You Use Apple Cider Vinegar?
It’s safe and tasty to use ACV to add some excitement to your meals. Use it to liven
up sauces and stews, as well as traditional salad dressings and marinades.
You can also drink it, diluted in hot or cold water as you prefer. Some people drink it
before or after meals or before going to bed.
What Are the Dosages for Apple Cider Vinegar?
Because we still have a lot to learn about ACV, there aren’t any official dosage
suggestions. But some studies have given clues about the amount that may help
with certain health conditions:
Weight control. In the study that reported weight loss benefits, people drank about
2 tablespoons a day – one before lunch and the other before dinner. Experts say that
amount should be safe for most people.
Blood sugar and cholesterol control. People in the study saw improvement when
they took about 1½ tablespoons after a meal.
Acid reflux. A teaspoon or two diluted in a mug of warm water after a meal may help
with your acid reflux. It’s unlikely to make your condition worse.